... Wishes You 'All The Best'...
From The White House!
Your wedding is going to be exceptional. Definitely one of a kind. Show everyone that you are truly unique. Flaunt your dignitary style by receiving a congratulatory card of well wishes from The White House!
Here's how::
REQUIRED INFORMATION. Include the following in your request::
~ Name and home address of honoree(s)
~ Form of address (Mr., Ms., Mrs., Dr., Miss, etc)
~ Exact date of occasion (month, day, year) your (the requestor's) name and daytime phone number
~ Wedding (Include couple's married names and current or new address)
The White House will send a card of congratulations on your wedding by contacting the Greetings Office::
By fax: (202). 395.1232
By mail: The White House, Attn:
Greetings Office, Washington DC 20502-0039
.Please review these guidelines carefully before sending your request to the White House
US CITIZENS ONLY:: The White House will send greetings to United States citizens only, for special occasions.
ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRE:: Your request must be received six (6) weeks in advance of the event date. (Greetings are generally not sent after the event date, except for wedding congratulations.)
WHEN TO EXPECT YOUR GREETING:: In most cases, greetings will be mailed from the White House approximately ten (10) days prior to the event.
You deserve the best! Why not announce how extraordinary your marriage is by receiving the ultimate 'congratulations'?